Nostradamus predicts election and the Next year under Trump

Nostradamus predicts election and the Next year under Trump

Among my 75 decks of Tarot and Oracle decks, I only refer to Nostradamus during major  turning points. At 8 pm, when the polls closed in Rhode Island, I decided to do a reading on the election. The following day, I drew a reading on the upcoming year under a new regime. I never ‘read into” or interpret  Nostradamus, I simply read the orientations and deliver that interpretation and the Quatrains as presented in the compilation by John Matthews and Will Kinghan. It does give one something to ponder.

Question: This day, November 5, 2024 marks an historic election between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. What can we expect as a result?

The day vibrates to the # 6/The Lovers vibration which concerns family, community and inclusion.

We begin with the wheel of fortune, upright: In this position itmeans; Destiny, Unexpected events, Inevitability,Progress,Beginnings and endings.

Quatrain:” When two unicorns are seen,One will be raised up, the other will bow low” Remember; Fortune can deal us many different kinds of Fate, and ,whatever comes, we must deal with it appropriately.

The Challenge is seen in the 7 of MOONS:The quatrains reads: “The divine word will be stricken from the sky, It will not be possible to go further forwards.”Venus rules here but still within the house of Scorpio, so divine glory and attractions are tempered by doubts and uncertainty. Upright: Plans and the illusion of success. Reversed: false plans, desire, willpower, determination and aspirations. The desire to achieve success may confuse the real issues.

Above: The area of Material Works, Money, Security, What is being thought:The quatrain: “Treasure rediscovered give offense to all. And within two places near the Basilica”.  Threat of conflict. The greatest gifts may need action and consideration, even when they come from an essential source./

‘The 7 of Spheres upright: Its meaning includes, Money, Wealth, Profit and Purification.

Below: The area of emotions and feelings: Reverse 10 of Suns: Quatrain reads: “A false message about a faked election, Runs through the city, the ruptured pack is cancelled.”

Obstacles-Loss-Intrigue-Hypocrisy-Plotting-Lack of substance

The imagery shows figures from various backgrounds brought together to resolve a great matter. There is a doubt, an edge to this card. it can refer to teachers, people bearing false witness resulting in injustice; on the other hand it implies that if you can weather these storms you will attain the reward. Reversed it is heavy with warnings of plots, intrigues and hypocrisy.

Behind: The Past: # 13:The Lady of Suns Reversed: She is powerful leader with a strong  presence. if you encounter her you may be carried along on her tide of energy, her knowledge and business acumen.

Reversed meanings include Kindness,Benevolence, Any, Extravagance, Deceitfulness.

The Quatrain reads:” Born into the world to a furtive concubine,At two, she is raised high thanks to the sad news”

The Future: The 12 of Moons upright/the Initiate: Quatrain:”The new philosopher of single mind has already perceived,The moon in the depths of night in the high mountain”

This person is a rock, someone you can rely on. Charming, idealistic. UPRIGHT MEANINGS include: Invitation,Proposal, Arrival,Conquest, Union, Compliance, Attraction.

The next four cards, “the run” reflects: Position 1, energy around the question. Position 2: the environment around the question and what or who affects it. Position 3: the potential. Position 4: the outcome.

Position 1: Two of Moons Reversed: Quatrain:” Two besieged by ardent passion,Their third will not be quenched by two full cups.”

Reversed the card implies a quarrelsome relayionship in which those who were once closed are divided. It represents disharmony, a breakdown in communication and understanding. Reversed: Envy, Greed, Lust, Longing quarrel, Conflict, Infidelity

Position 2: Seven of Moons Reversed: Quatrain;” The divine word will be stricken from the sky, It will not be possible to move forward.”

Venus rules here but is still within the house of Scorpio, so divineglory and attraction are tempered with doubt and uncertainty.

This is one of the cards of the dreamer, who fashions wonderful castles from cloud that soon melt away. Be careful not to become too enraptured by your own plans, forgetting the reality of your life journey. If you are essentially a follower rather than a leader, you need to take care not to be led astray on paths of moonlight. Reversed: The desire to achieve success may confuse the real issues here.

Position 3: Eight of Moons Reversed:Quatrain: “During the great regions king’s reign, the great brass gates will be opened by force.”

The mingling of Saturn with Pisces in the suit of Moons implies a sense of wavering uncertainty. The urge to progress forward may be mitigated by the desire to cling to the past, to remain at home and to nourish aspects of the self that feel hungry. Reversed, the card implies a return to health and vigor after an illness.

Reversed it means Happiness, Satisfaction,Apology,Debts paid off.

Position 4: Ten of Moons Reversed: The Quatrain: “ The tree which has so long become dried up , dead, In one night will become verdant again.”

Quarrels with family members or friends may become frequent events and you may even find yourself involved with physical combat with someone who has upset you.

When reversed the sun goes behind the clouds, the perfect world looks less attractive. Quarrels with family and friends may become frequent events.

This position anticipates what may next happen or what the next step may be, literally, what is around the corner.

Eight/ Justice Reversed: The Quatrain: “There will be peace, unityand change, Low offices will become high, and the high ones low.”

Reversed meanings: Bias- False Witness-Bigotry- Intolerance-Unfairness- Red Tape

The prophetic reference: The establishment of a new world order in the twenty-third century

Justice requires us to be honest with ourselves and our issues;acknowledge the truth and act accordingly. For this reason, this card is crucial to a reading. What it offers us is a true statement about the issues at hand. In reversed it says we are not seeingthe situation honestly, preferring to see it from our own selfish point of view. This often results in blaming everyone and everything for things we have caused ourselves.