
In the category of , "You can't make this stuff up!", The Universe, in Her infinite wisdom, randomly revealed the following commentary to inspire us during this Blessed time of the Year. St. Brigit's Day was February 1 and Candlemas follows on February 2. Both...

SOUL WISDOM TAROT WISHES YOU A HAPPY NEW YEAR! It’s time for that Annual Tradition of revealing the auspices for the New Year using “The Tarot of Nostradamus” . As usual, I will be quoting from the book itself, by Tarot historians John and Caitlin Matthews...

Whether you celebrate and mark this passage alone, or with family and friends, MABON,  or Fall Equinox is a time to share the harvest, to set intentions for wealth, job, stability, protection and, above all give thanks for what we have harvested, and prepare for...

What is Summer Solstice? The word “solstice” comes from Latin solstitium—from sol (Sun) and stitium (still or stopped). Summer Solstice is an astronomical event occurring yearly when the Sun reaches its northernmost point in the sky and does not change for a brief period of time. After...

The arrival of Spring on March 20th is in alignment with the Sun entering zero degrees in Aires, the planet of New Beginnings and marks a new Astrological year! The Goddess, OSTARA, like Venus, rules love and personal values and we are ready to shed...